“Philanthropy in CEE 2020” research was conducted in May 2020 by Social Impact Alliance for CEE and Kantar among the citizens of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The results clearly show where we are today, serving as a reference point we have never had before. We share the result free of charge, believing this report will be useful to everyone who wants to make a positive impact on our region – individual and corporate philanthropists, policy makers, non-profit organizations, and others. The report should be treated as a starting point for further scientific, informational, educational, and philanthropic endeavors.
See Executive Summary in your language
The social impact of this project is demonstrated by the number of people who make more strategic philanthropic decisions thanks to the data we provide. We measure them by the number of unique users, download statistics, and the number of media mentions that bring the issue of strategic giving closer to philanthropists.
- Support our 2021 research financially (PHILANTHROPY in CEE 2021)
- Help us with your professional services if you are a research institute, advertising agency, PR agency, media
Business, thanks to this unique cyclical project, can better understand the needs, habits and expectations of their stakeholders – customers, clients, employees, business partners and investors. Your involvement in this project can be a unique opportunity to build your image of a socially engaged brand. Let’s promote the idea of strategic philanthropy in Central & Eastern Europe together!